Touchdown for android support

The new version adds push email support for exchange servers as well as support for pin based security and remote wipe of exchange data. Jul 16, 2017 years ago i highly encouraged android users to get the touchdown app to manage myn tasks when mobile. Does not support active sync as far as i can tell so i cannot really test it otherwise. Trial version when you install touchdown for the first time, it enables full functionality. The symantec touchdown management seemed a bit flaky about their new android touchdown version that was in testing for over a year. On the device home screen, tap the menu key and choose settings 3. Mar 21, 20 get corporate email on your iphone with touchdown. Get corporate email on your iphone with touchdown techrepublic. The symantec connect community allows customers and users of symantec to network and learn more about creative and innovative ways to use. Exchange support improves in android, but touchdown still. Symantec product version end of life end of limited support end of support life nitrodesk touchdown 7. There are two locations where you can get diagnostic information from the ios version of touchdown. Key has been updated only to support more devices, so if you already have this, you can skip the update dont buy this until you have installed and configured the free trial version application named touchdown for smartphones or touchdown hd for tablets you wont receive a separate serial number.

I love touchdown myself except for the poor integration with the phones native contacts. The native apps for android and ios outclass it in every aspect. This android client for exchange is a great tool around for staying on in synch with your exchange data. Knowledgebase powered by kayako help desk software. Item description user id this is the user id that you are expected. That means we can set different notifications for different users. A few of the best exchange email applications for android. Seeing recommendations for outlook for android, nine etc.

Touchdown eol alternative application for androidios. If, like many nexus one users, you suddenly discovered that an android update had stopped exchange mail from being delivered to. Nitrodesk touchdown is the android mail app used by many emm. Download and setup of the app are fairly straightforward, but some users may find it a bit tedious to initially sync their exchange account. Kill touchdown application you can use any task manager to do this, go to android settingsapplicationsmanage applicationstouchdown and tap force stop button, or you can simply reboot the device. Quick configuration you must have the following information before you can configure touchdown. When using a previous version of the touchdown client this was not an issue, but after upgrading to version. Nov, 2017 we have used touchdown for exchange for years. In ios, native app has supported modern auth since ios 11.

Alternative for exchange by touchdown android app symantec. Im also interested in modern auth support in android. Symantec corporation will end of life eol the products identified in this notification including any maintenance packs mps andor patches for each version, in all released languages. Mar 02, 2015 this notice describes the timelines for the delivery of support services for these products that have reached their eol.

In this demo i show some of the new beta features, including speech to text, text to speech, contact folder support, and advanced filtering. Touchdown is a twenty dollar android app that duplicates the features built in the android phone to sync mail, appointments and contacts. It gives you the option to connect via activesync only, exchange 2007 or exchange 2003. It also includes how to activate your copy of touchdown. Dec 01, 2009 heres a look at my favorite app for android, the touchdown exchange client from nitrodesk. Outlook supports but its quite clunky, nine is way better but you need to pay for it. With touchdown, they can only remove corporate data belonging to them, leaving behind your personal information. Sep 09, 2012 without touchdown, your employer can actually flatten your phone to factory defaults. Your server is constantly telling touchdown there are changes waiting. Exchange support improves in android, but touchdown still sets the bar zdnet but if you want to try it i think you can download the latest beta from the touchdown website and then do a manual install to your phone. Touchdown runs on your android phone, and provides you with the ability to receive and send emails, manage your contacts, view your. Dec 01, 2014 how to remove an account from touchdown mobile devices android. In this demo i show some of the new beta features, including speech to text, text to.

Nitrodesk touchdown is the android mail app used by many. The symantec connect community allows customers and users of symantec to network and learn more about creative and innovative ways to. Touchdown hd for android has anyone been able to get touchdown hd nitrodesk for android tablets email exchange client to work with microsofts new web email. Sync the past, select how far back touchdown will pull your exchange. You can use the builtin exchange support and use the android. Does android 8 support office 365 modern authentication. Activesync is a data synchronization feature of touchdown that maintains consistency of applications supported by the app. Because so many enterprise mobility management vendors support it and use it as their email client of choice, i wanted to learn more about it, and so recently i had a chance to talk to nitrodesk coo ron goins. Go to the settings section in touchdown and tap the menu key.

Touchdown is the only android solution so far that supports sending and receiving smime signed and encrypted emails. Touchdown also uses 3des to encrypt data, if an encryption policy is required, and theres also support for encrypted data on sd cards something that android itself doesnt support. About a year ago i switched my recommendation to nine for android. You must confirm that you accept the end user license agreement before you can continue. This is the touchdown license key only, for all android devices. Touchdown by symantec technical support symantec connect. Tochdown end of life for android blackberry forums at. Kill touchdown application you can use any task manager to do this, go to android settingsapplicationsmanage applications touchdown and tap force stop button, or you can simply reboot the device. I have been frustrated with the performance of the exchange touchdown for andriod after symantec bought it out in 2016. Due to this fact, it is a complete nightmare to support for your itmail group and thats overlooking the fact that most android builtin eas connectors suck. This chapter describes how to download and install touchdown for android devices.

Jul 20, 2016 you may utilize the inbuilt exchange support and use the android mail client and calendar widget. If touchdown fails to connect for some reason, it will attempt a few times, and then throttle itself for about 8 minutes. Touchdown syncs emails, contacts, calendar and tasks on your android 2. When technical support requests logging from your android os device using touchdown, you would gather this information using the following steps. Because so many enterprise mobility management vendors support it and use it as their email client of choice, i wanted to learn more about it, and so recently i had. Just connect a bud light touchdown glass via bluetooth in a few simple steps, select your favorite team, and take your game day to the next level. We have developed the touchdown product to meet the needs of a wide base of android users and notify will help us reach those users given notifylinks support for many different email platforms. Touchdown by symantec android no replacement end of support. When using an android device with touchdown version 6.

You can use the builtin exchange support and use the android mail client and calendar widget. Nitrodesk announces third generation of touchdown with full. Years ago i highly encouraged android users to get the touchdown app to manage myn tasks when mobile. Occasionally during the troubleshooting process, a support technician may request a diagnostic log. Apr 11, 20 nitrodesk touchdown is a thirdparty exchange activesync eas app for android and ios. Technical support and content updates for customers with current maintenance. Office 365 exchange activesync problem with symantec. Secondly, every single android oem uses or makes their owndifferentcompeting eas clients.

To purchase a license from your device, tap on the activate button on the main screen of touchdown. Heres a look at my favorite app for android, the touchdown exchange client from nitrodesk. In this demo i show some of the new beta features, including speech to text, text to speech, contact. Exchange by touchdown key this is the touchdown license key only, for all android devices. Nitrodesk touchdown is a thirdparty exchange activesync eas app for android and ios. This will open a window where you select the last option titled i want to purchase a license.

I use this app with my account on a samsung galaxy tab 2 ice cream sandwich and it works great. It really needs a manual account entry, none of the auto discover stuff works for me on touchdown or stock email so i need to speocfy the email server generally. I entered the same exact settings that i believe should have worked for the mail app and touchdown connects just fine. Ive always used touchdown but it would work correctly on the new version of android, and it we have used touchdown for exchange for years. I selected activesync and im seeing all my emails, contacts and appointments. You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a microsoft agent or microsoft employee and that the phone number is an official microsoft global customer service number. Setting up touchdown in 10 easy steps after receiving and fixing your location plaques in your buildings, you need to go to the set up tab on the main menu and use the new button in each case to add the data into each of the following categories. Notify technology partners with nitrodesk to provide. When touchdown attempts to connect to the server for push notifications, there are some situations where sever misconfiguration can cause the attempt to fail. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored. Nitrodesks touchdown application for android separates corporate data from personal data on a mobile device using a secure container, according to.

Touchdown for smartphones for android apk download. Touchdown supports all the usual exchange activesync exchange activesync policies, and other security features include aes256 encryption, support for smime, and support for microsoft information rights management. The nitrodesk touchdown email configuration enables you to configure microsoft exchange activesync settings for nitrodesks touchdown application. The new version adds push email support for exchange. Because so many enterprise mobility management vendors support it and use it as their email client of choice, i wanted to learn more about it. Oct 21, 2010 enterprisegrade exchange mail on android. A 400 error is an error code that means that the ping to the server timed out after waiting a long time without a response. Tech support scams are an industrywide issue where scammers trick you into paying for unnecessary technical support services. Locate the touchdown app icon on your home screen or app drawer. Symantec helps consumers and organizations secure and manage their informationdriven world.

Most of the android mail apps including gmail do not support modern authentication and users need to create app passwords which can be used with these apps. It has a nice unified main screen and the screens are attractive and welldesigned. The selling point is that touchdown includes full support for syncing outlook tasks. Currently sync to exchange 2007, but moving to 365 soon. Light up your bud light touchdown glass whenever your team scores with the bud light touchdown glass app. After receiving and fixing your location plaques in your buildings, you need to go to the set up tab on the main menu and use the new button in each case to add the data into each of the following categories. Symantec acquires nitrodesk for email security on android. You may utilize the inbuilt exchange support and use the android mail client and calendar widget. Exporting contacts from touchdown on android symantec. Nitrodesk releases touchdown with push email support in. Touchdown app being phased out by symantec michael.

The android and iphone app touchdown has been officially sunsetted by symantec. Touchdown for android alternate view of exchange mail. Touchdown cannot be installed on an sd card and must be installed directly on the device. Touchdown for android installation and configuration guide. Current product replacement product touchdown by symantec android no replacement touchdown by syma symantec hereby informs you that we will be. The android and iphone app touchdown has been officially sunsetted. I could not find any specific instructions for this here, or on sherwebs site. This notice describes the timelines for the delivery of support services for these products that have reached their eol. It is the only android mail app that has rule based notification. When the exchange touchdown app was developed and maintained by nitrodesk it was really top notch. To start touchdown, go to the home screen of the device and tap the touchdown icon. Nitrodesk announces third generation of touchdown with.

The latest version builds upon the previous releases by adding several new capabilities to the existing product. This app is for true nfl fans and is changing the way fans celebrate game day. The total size of this application is 16m and the minimum android version required to run this application is. Without touchdown, your employer can actually flatten your phone to factory defaults. In my humble opinion imho, touchdown from symantec is the best in. Jun 11, 2010 exchange support improves in android, but touchdown still sets the bar zdnet but if you want to try it i think you can download the latest beta from the touchdown website and then do a manual install to your phone. How to use touchdown on android with pictures wikihow. Exporting contacts from touchdown on android symantec connect. Apr 24, 2009 nitrodesk, the makers of touchdown, a popular microsoft exchange server synchronization solution for androidpowered devices, have announced the general availability of the third generation of touchdown in android market.

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